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Important Forms For Boys Team
Tryout membership link: If you are new to club and don’t have a membership from last season: Click Here
Letter of Commitment/Medical Forms: Coming soon
Player Information form: Click Here
Participation Agreement: Click Here
Parent and player code of conduct below
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Parent & Player Code of Conduct:
We operate in age groups, but often move/add players to teams that best suit the player’s ability and the program.
Decisions concerning player participation in games/tournaments are solely the responsibility of the coach.
Players are to remain at the competition site until released by the coach.
Parents will refrain from distracting players or coaches during practice or competition.
Parents will show appropriate sportsmanship towards all teams, fans, officials, coaches and staff. Players or parents will not use loud or profane language during practice or tournament.
The coach for your Player’s team is the primary contact regarding training, practice and matches. Player to coach is the first contact on all playing issues.
Issues/grievances relating to CCVC participation will be discussed in an arranged meeting, not at practice or tournament. Players/parents may call CCVC office at anytime.
Email or texting may be used to make appointments with the coaches/CCVC staff only after player has first discussed the issue directly. Email may not be used to discuss grievances.
All Player/Parent to Coach/Director issues will be discussed in a meeting with the player present.
CCVC follows the SCVA Letter of Commitment Rules & SCVA Handbook Guidelines: www.scvavolleyball.org