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Return to Play
October 2021

Although the COVID vaccination rates are increasing, there is no way to completely eliminate the risk of
infection. Thus, the SCVA strongly encourages all participants to follow these recommendations and the
USAV guidelines as safety precautions. The SCVA encourages all club directors, officials, staff,
chaperones, coaches, and athletes to be vaccinated against COVID. The SCVA asks that club directors
manage the health and safety of their staff, coaches, athletes, and families. The SCVA, however, will not
be mandating vaccinations or negative testing for regional events. The information in this document is
not intended, or implied, to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Nor does USAV, or its forty regions, assume any liability or responsibility for the recommendations
provided herein.
If an individual does not agree or comply with these guidelines for participation or attendance, then the
SCVA asks that he/she not enter the event or the facility. The SCVA asks that each person understand
the risk of contracting COVID 19 and take responsibility for their own personal care by following these
guidelines for the safety of themselves, their family, their teammates, and all those participating in, or
attending, the event.
The SCVA will follow the recommendations of the CDC, federal, state, local authorities, and USAV in
regards to infectious diseases. As in all circumstances, the following should be adhered to: